Should Your Career Expire When Your Lease Does?
October 4th, 2016
Clients often ask me, “Roy, what’s the biggest mistake solo practitioners and small firm owners make when considering their retirement/succession strategies?” My answer? Attorneys permit their office situation, specifically a lease obligation, to muck things up. Continue reading this post at Read More
Categories: Attorney Retirement
Is it Time to Retire?
January 28th, 2016
For most lawyers, the decision of when to retire is rarely black and white. Instead, the choice comes with lots of gray (that goes along with your gray hair!). To help you answer the question, “is it time to retire?”, think about these questions: Do you still have the fire in your belly? Are you still excited about going into the office, or do you dread the thought? Have you been on the receiving end of subtle or not-so-subtle suggestions from family, friends or colleagues that perhaps it’s time to slow down? How do you feel physically? Is your mental edge still there? How often do you have “senior moments?” How healthy are your parents? Will you need to help them through their own sunset years? How is your spouse’s or s… Read More
Categories: Attorney Retirement
Size Matters
August 14th, 2014
The most common exit strategies for retiring solo practitioners and small law firm owners typically include recruiting a successor, merging with another law firm, or selling the practice. All of these options have advantages and disadvantages. Continue reading about why law firm size matters in this post at Read More