
You spent years building your law practice. It’s more than just a business or a source of income; it’s your professional identity, your standing in the community. But now it’s time to step away; the question is how best to do so.
If you have decided to work with an attorney consultant to transition out of your practice, you already understand the advantages of working with an expert to exit your practice. The next step is to find the right one for you and your unique practice.
Below are some of the reasons that over a hundred attorneys have chosen Roy Ginsburg to help them make a successful transition in their legal career.
A law firm is not like other businesses. The value of a firm depends on so many different factors: the type of practice, the location, the reputation of the seller, and more. It’s not possible to plug those factors into a formula and come up with a value for the firm.
Roy has been a licensed attorney for over 40 years with over 15 years of experience as a consultant helping lawyers exit practice. He understands the nuances of law firm sales and the fact that there is no effective formula for determining what a practice is worth. He helps clients value their firms appropriately based on his insight, experience, and expertise, not an algorithm plucked out of thin air.
Throughout your years of practice, clients turned to you with their legal needs not just because of your legal knowledge, but because they trusted you to guide them through some of the most significant problems of their lives and livelihoods. Now that you are stepping back from a practice you have spent years building, don’t you deserve the same consideration?
When you work with Roy to transition out of practice, you actually work with Roy; he doesn’t delegate the important work you’ve entrusted him with to anyone else. Roy immerses himself in the details of your situation so that he can give you not only the guidance but the support you need during this exciting, but challenging, time.
Roy carefully curates his client load so that he can give each client the attentive personal service they deserve throughout the process—the same kind of service you took pride in offering your own clients.
To learn more about Roy’s background and experience, and how Roy can help you transition out of practice with the best financial outcome and the least possible stress, call 612-524-5837 or contact Roy online.