Don’t Plan to Fail. Don’t Lose What You’ve Built. Get Strategic Law Firm Appraisal and Succession Services Today.

Winston Churchill once said, “He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”

Without a formal succession plan in place, a failure to plan during your later years in practice will inevitably create problems for the people you’ve loved and cared about during your legal career.

  • Icon 1Your loved ones: Your grieving spouse or executor of your will—who likely have no legal training—will need to clean up what you leave behind. They’ll be forced to move forward blindly or to pay dearly to get the help of trained advisors.
  • Icon 2Your heirs: Once the dust settles, there’ll likely be nothing for your heirs to recoup. How willing are you to leave your heirs empty-handed?
  • Icon 3Your firm’s lawyers and staff: Your trusted team has been the bedrock of your practice. You’ve been able to count on them, but they may be plunged into uncertainty with your loss.
  • Icon 4Your clients: Without you, your clients will need new counsel. Do you want to leave them without guidance, or help them find someone they can trust?

These people deserve better — and so do you. Stop planning to fail and get started on your law firm succession plan with a succession planning attorney.