Roy's advice about downsizing and possibly merging with other immigration firms was practical and appropriate for my interests and needs. He helped me narrow down my options in a very short time.

– Solo practitioner, Sacramento, CA

I am in my mid 50's and have a very successful solo plaintiff's personal injury practice. I have enough money that I can now afford to slow down and fully retire now, but anticipated doing so in my early 60's. I hired Roy to brainstorm the various alternatives. With his expertise, he quickly dismissed some options and steered me in the direction to downsize my practice in a manner that will provide me with almost as much income as I have historically earned. After doling out legal advice for decades, being on the receiving end of expert advice was not something I was used to, and was extremely welcomed. Roy's analysis and his thoughtful insights have been exceptionally helpful.

– Solo practitioner, Casper, WY