Our firm hired Roy to assess a deal for our immigration practice. His services were transparent and fair, and expectations were well communicated from the beginning, which we appreciated. We also liked that we were able to define what we needed – a few hours time for a helpful gut check of the deal we were about to pursue – and receive just what we needed. That flexibility was great.

– Small law firm owners, San Francisco, CA

I wanted to buy a practice and hired Roy to help me assess the law firms I was considering. What I found most helpful was his knowledge and insight into what other firms are doing with buyouts. That type of information is simply not readily available to make comparisons. I found it very valuable.

– Solo practitioner, NYC

I hired Roy when I was presented with the opportunity to buy the estate planning practice of a recently deceased attorney. He offered me the reassurance I was looking for to move forward with the deal. I would not have felt confident going in as a purchaser without Roy by my side.

– Solo practitioner, Davis, CA

Roy helped me when I purchased a solo rural general practice. His advice was always spot on, to the point and very helpful. Like most lawyers, I never had any experience buying a practice. It was great to have Roy to rely on whenever I had any questions about the deal.

– Solo practitioner, small PA town

I initially hired Roy to assess buying a practice. His "wake-up call" advice was real, pragmatic, affordable, and beneficial. Absent Roy’s advice, I would have spent a quarter million dollars in excess of what a the practice was actually worth.

– Solo practitioner, Irvine, CA